Our mission…
is to inspire and encourage Christians to get involved in politics and public life. We believe that decisions are made by those who show up. We strive to put kingdom before tribe and disagree well. Christians in Politics draws together Christians from across the political parties and beyond, and from across the breadth of the church.
Events & Training
To make the Biblical case for participating in politics and public life and party politics.
To provide resources and stimulate local networks to equip Christians in their engagement with politics.
Groups & Networks
To connect Christians and churches to people that can help them engage politically, especially through the Christian agencies affiliated to political parties.
Our methodology
To make all this happen we organise and speak at events, including churches, conferences and festivals, create videos and courses, contribute to all forms of media, support local councillors, young people and other local networks, and build relationships across divisions.
Our values
1 Build relationships across party lines, as we seek to put God's kingdom before tribal politics.
2 Follow Jesus' example of servant leadership.
3 Honour the Church as God's body, which is called to be salt and light in the world.
4 Participate in decision-making, rather than just commentating or criticising from the side-lines.
Our history
Christians in Politics (CiPol) began not as an organisation but as a set of relationships. It was simply a space for Christians with a shared passion for calling the church to political engagement…
Our people