The Plaid Cymru Party
Plaid genedlaethol i’r chwith o’r canol yw Plaid Cymru syd dyn credu mewn cyfiawnder cymdeithasol a Chymru annibynnol gyda golwg ar ennill statws cenedlaethol llawn i Gymru yn yr Undeb Ewropeaidd.
Hanes byr
Sefydlwyd y blaid ym 1925, ac etholwyd ei AS cyntaf, Gwynfor Evans, ym 1966. Yn 2014 mae gan y Blaid 11 aelod Cynulliad yng Nghynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, 3 AS yn San Steffan, a 206 o gynghorwyr sir ledled Cymru. Daeth y Blaid i lywodraeth yng Nghymru fel rhan o glymblaid Cymru’n Un yn y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol ym mis Gorffennaf 2007. Mae Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru yn gyfrifol am gyllideb o bron i £15bn ac ymhlith ei chyfrifoldebau mae Addysg, Iechyd, Datblygu Economaidd, Materion Gwledig, Diwylliant a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol yng Nghymru.
Ers sefydlu’r blaid, mae safle Cymru a’r iaith Gymraeg wedi eu diogelu a’u gwella i raddau helaeth. Ymysg y llwyddiannau y cyfrannodd y blaid atynt mae sefydlu’r sianel deledu Gymraeg S4C, buddugoliaeth refferendwm 1997 a arweiniodd at sefydlu Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, ac ehangu addysg cyfrwng-Cymraeg. Ni fuasai’r llwyddiannau mawr hyn wedi digwydd heb ymgyrchu a gwaith caled Plaid Cymru.
Sut Mae Plaid Cymru yw Penderfynu ar Bolsi?
Penderfynir ar bolisi’r Blaid gan Gynhadledd Flynyddol a gynhelir bob hydref. Yn ogystal â hyn, bob deufis mae Cyngor Cenedlaethol y Blaid yn cyfarfod i wneud penderfyniadau polisi. Mae Plaid hefyd yn cynnal fforymau polisi rheolaidd lle gwahoddir aelodau a’r sawl nad ydynt yn aelodau i adolygu polisi’r Blaid mewn maes arbennig ac i drafod materion sy’n ymwneud â’r maes hwnnw.
Plaid Cymru is a left of centre nationalist party that believes in social justice and an independent Wales with a view to attaining Full National Status for Wales within the European Union.
A brief history
The party was founded in 1925 and had its first MP, Gwynfor Evans, elected in 1966. Today, Plaid boasts 10 Assembly members in the Welsh Assembly, 4 MPs at Westminster, 206 county councillors across Wales and 1 Member of the European Parliament.
Plaid entered government in Wales as part of the One Wales coalition in the National Assembly in July 2007. The Welsh Assembly Government is responsible for a budget of nearly £15bn and its responsibilities include Education, Health, Economic Development, Rural Affairs, Culture and Social Services in Wales.
Since the establishment of the party, the position of Wales and the Welsh language have been greatly secured and improved. The successes to which the party has contributed significantly include the establishment of Welsh TV channel S4C, the 1997 referendum victory that led to the establishment of the National Assembly for Wales and the expansion of Welsh language education. These major successes would not have occurred without the campaigning and hard work of Plaid Cymru.
How does Plaid Cymru decide policy?
Plaid policy is decided by Annual conference which occurs every autumn. As well as this every two months the Party’s National Council meets to make policy decisions. Plaid also has regular policy forums where members and non-members are invited to review Plaid policy in a particular area and discuss issues surrounding that area.
Visit the Plaid Cymru Party website:
For further reading, see ‘Plaid Cymru, Welsh nationalism and Christianity - a historical perspective’.