Can’t be bothered to vote? Some reasons why you should

You’re in the pub. The topic of the election comes up.  Someone sighs:

“Well, I can’t really be bothered to vote this year. I’m tired of politics. I feel disillusioned and despondent.  Did you see that clip of Brenda from Bristol – it really captures how I feel”

What are you to say? Is it worth sticking out from the crowd and encouraging people to vote? To Show Up and get involved in politics?

Yes, of course!  At a time where there is a good deal of apathy and disinterest towards politics, it is all the more important to get involved, become engaged, and encourage others to do so.

Now, more than ever, we need to get off the side-lines of political debate and get on to the pitch.

How can I encourage people to vote?

Voting is really important in and of itself – the start of political engagement.

For a start, you can’t Show Up if you’re not registered to vote.

See our video here which captures this!

What, then, are the key arguments about encouraging people to vote?

1.  Well, for a start, there are lots of biblical reasons to do so. Voting recognises the equality of all people and their right to speak and be heard (Deuteronomy 10:17-19). What is more voting is a simple yet significant way we can do something about politics in our nation (Psalms 34:14). And it is one way that we can obey God’s command to seek the good of those around us and our nation as a whole (Jeremiah 29: 5-6).

2. Your vote matters.  Yes, it really does!. Statistics show that, in the 2015 election, had they turned up, non-voters would have played a pivotal role in the election.

There were several constituencies where non-voters outnumbered the voters for the winning party!

3. If certain demographic or age groups do not vote, then policies may not be in their favour. Decisions are made by those who Show Up. It is striking that young people, unskilled manual workers and unemployed people are less likely than other groups to be registered to vote.

Registering to vote: How

The deadline for registering to vote is on 22 May and you can register here 

This fun video shows how easy it is!


On Monday 15 May, you can join in with faith communities across the country in a drive to get more people registered to vote.  Using the hashtag #MyFaithMyVote, tweet out your support for this initiative, also with hashtag  #ShowUp.

Other articles in the ‘election, referendums and voting’ series:

10 reasons Christians should vote in the election

Holding a hustings in your church

The EU Referendum: Why bother?